Staying Afloat in Shifting Tides: Understanding Commission Policies Post-NAR Settlement

Apr 19, 2024 • Our Blog
Staying Afloat in Shifting Tides: Understanding Commission Policies Post-NAR Settlement

Let's take a moment to discuss post-NAR settlement commission policies which have been a hot topic lately. At Diamond Residential Mortgage Corporation (DRMC), we strive to provide clear and consistent information to our partners like you. 

The good news is that Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac have recently provided a sign of stability by clarifying that seller or listing agent payments to buyer agent commissions will continue to be treated outside of interested party contributions. While these guidelines may change down the line, the option to operate in a  “business as usual” fashion is a welcome steadiness in an environment prone to fluctuation.

Furthermore, the FHA has echoed this sentiment. A few weeks back, they issued a letter reinforcing that as long as the seller or listing agent payments comply with local norms and the fees are considered reasonable, the current custom of the buyer paying both agent’s commissions will not cause problems with interested party contribution limits.

However, it's crucial for us to remain vigilant. The FHA has said they are watching the market closely post-settlement to see if there are any shifts that warrant policy changes. We are also on the lookout for upcoming guidance from the VA, which we hope will provide further stability for our veterans and those who serve them.

Please keep an eye on this space for the latest updates. At DRMC, we are committed to working together with our clients with confidence, and ensuring that you are informed every step of the way.

Together, we get it done.